Rooted in riff-based indie rock and soul groove
Stephen James Orr is a musician, songwriter and producer from Toronto. Fresh off releasing his first three singles in 2021, an album is due to be released this fall. In collaborating with a variety of visual artists and musicians, each track is unique in its visual and auditory style
Up until last year, Orr was primarily a guitarist and instrumentalist with a variety of artists and singer/songwriters. He spent 2020 writing his first solo album, up north — recording, producing, and arranging all the instrumentals, while reaching out to select singers and instrumentalists for contributions on the tracks. With the variety of singers/instruments, each track takes on its own personality; the instrumentals are the connecting threads bringing the album together.

As of now, three singles have been released from the album, with at least four more on the way before the album will be fully released at the end of the year. Each single features a different visual artist, creating a custom piece for the release.
The track “Ceramic” features the artwork of Quinn Rockliff, who was recently featured in Chatelaine Magazine. “Losing Time” is a piece made by Abbey Ley, who creates concert posters/graphics out of Austin Texas.