The Tomicks’ “You’re My Man”
Showing a combination of pop and disco that builds to an infectious groove, the sound influenced in equal part by Dionne Warwick and the Bee Gees.
Taking inspiration from piano-led pop of the ’60s and ’70s, The Tomicks show an engaging sound on new track “Break Up Anthem”, featuring passionate vocals and a lively piano accompaniment accompanying spurts of guitar and some brass.

It’s one of ten tracks off their recently released eponymous album, featuring The Tomicks’ signature sound: lots of piano, deeply personal lyrics, big drums, and harmonies.
The Tomicks are a new rock n’ roll band from London. Hugely inspired by the ‘60s and ’70s, Tom Cridland, Nick Whitehead, and Debs Marx came together with the aim of trying to recapture the magic of pop music from those decades.
Tom Cridland, met his girlfriend, business partner and bandmate, Debs Marx, at Bristol University in 2009, and, after graduating in 2014, they started an eponymous sustainable fashion brand, which has since been regularly featured in the press for the 30-year-old, who has been making clothing for the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Daniel Craig. This business success allowed Tom to fund his passion: writing songs.
Tom is a flamboyant personality, who wears outrageous colourful clothing and sings lead vocals whilst playing drums that are parked at the front of the stage. His struggles with alcohol and life in London have often informed his lyrics, and, before meeting Nick Whitehead, a virtuoso piano player from Manchester, he had never found someone sharing his passion for old school pop, rock and soul music. Their songwriting partnership is the heart and soul of The Tomicks.
The band recorded this first album at the legendary Village Recorder in LA. The studio has played host many of The Tomicks’ inspirations, including the Eagles, John Lennon and The Band, who, like The Tomicks, featured a singing drummer, the late Levon Helm.
The Tomicks, almost above all else, are fanatic record collectors and love their listening to inform their writing of original material. They firmly believe this first record is one of the finest rock n’ roll albums to be released in years and are about to head back into the studio at Abbey Road to start work on a follow up.