Get By by Daniel Feels

“Get By” is a special track as it’s had a bit more of a journey than any song I’ve released to date. It was originally born as a cheesy electro pop demo I made in my Brooklyn bedroom almost 5 years ago. Eventually, with the help of super-producer Jay Marcovitz, we re-tracked it with live instrumentation and polished it into what you hear today. That unshakeable drum rhythm was played by Dan Drohan (special thanks to Jeff Fettig & The Creamery in Brooklyn for tracking!), then Jay & I lay down the rest on top of it. I first wrote it as a personal escape from a less-than-pleasant phase in my own life, and we approached the sonic texture with that same escapism in mind. We wanted to find the right balance of vintage & modern sounds for this one: there’s so much happening in music right now that is mind-blowing & exciting, in terms of audio manipulation, but we also wanted to be faithful to where we came from. Jay & I both grew up playing guitar & bass in bands, and we knew this song owed something to the soulful and psychedelic sounds of decades past. We tried to incorporate that as much as possible through a modern lens. Although, the synth lead you hear toward the end was played on an iPhone, so I guess that’s pretty 21st century…


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