Die Ruhe vor der Flaute, by Ralf Dee
Die Ruhe vor der Flaute, by Ralf Dee
Even if you don‘t hear much about RALF DEE for a longer period of time and if he‘s not permanently present on social media, it doesn‘t mean he‘s in the doldrums. In fact he always likes to write songs and these can be the most creative times.
The title of RALF DEE‘s new single “Die Ruhe vor der Flaute” means “the calm before the doldrums” in contrast to “the calm before the storm”. It‘s about the standstill of people who live in abundance and don’t have anymore ambitions, because they have everything already.
RALF DEE is anything but calm on the recording, though. German based singer-songwriter RALF DEE is playing guitar, bass and sometimes cajon with a pedal and harmonica. His style can be described as a blend of folk, blues andcountry. He has released an EP, three albums and one single since 2008. The latest work “Die Ruhe vor der Flaute” came out on April 12 2019. It‘s a bluesy shuffle, which also lets Ralf‘s punk influences shimmer through.

Unlike his past productions, which were mostly dominated by acoustic sounds, this time Christian „Cri“ Ertl (who already played on the 2014 released album “Your Time Is Now”) supported him on the drums. A slided riff throughout the song and rougher sounds let it appear more edgy than the rather folky tones of the last recordings and makes excited about the upcoming directions.