An eclectic mix of house and instrumental fusion

Home > New music > An eclectic mix of house and instrumental fusion

Intro to Music Theory is the project of musicians, DJs, and producers Matt Waters and Matthew Busch. The Southern-California born and Hainan-based duo have racked up a plethora of experience in a multitude of genres- first in the classical, jazz and freelance world in the United States, and later as electronic artists and producers in China.

They first performed together in Pacific Crest Drum and Bugle Corps as teenagers. The two reunited almost a decade later in 2017, when they simultaneously moved to Hainan, China to teach university-level music.

In 2020, they released their debut EP, Toot the Bad Horn, an eclectic mix of house and instrumental fusion. These tracks are what propelled them into the NFT and Crypto space with incredible success, partnering with Charged Particles and NFTYthings to sell the 15th most expensive t-shirt of all time. This involvement urged them to form their own distribution company, Unchained Music, recognizing the potential for musicians to have control over their own work, find a new path towards monetization, and start pushing back against an industry that hasn’t been putting artists first.

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Unchained Music is a 100% free music distribution platform powered by DeFi and NFTs. No subscription fees. No cut of royalties. Unchained Music’s distribution platform is indistinguishable from any other music distribution platform, requiring zero knowledge of Web3, NFTs, or blockchain. The platform will create a more transparent, trustless system for the music industry. Intro to Music Theory’s new single “It’s An Attitude” will be the first track distributed through the platform.

“It’s An Attitude” is the result of a lot of experimentation and study. Busch shares, “The music is inspired by our favourite moments spinning tunes and blowing our horns to dancing crowds, in our quest to add a new experience to our favourite tracks.” Fusing together Deep, Organic, Old School and Nu-disco House, all with an undercurrent of Funk and classic Disco, the duo dig up old sonic memories from their audience and build them into a new one. With the goal to combine the acoustic and electronic realms, bringing a fresh look and sound to the trumpet and trombone sphere with a groovy, funky thread throughout all their releases, Intro to Music Theory has created a sound uniquely their own.

With tours in China, New Zealand, Thailand, and the United States under their belt, Intro to Music Theory is set for an exciting 2022!

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