A love for classic British electronics; Massive Attack, UNKLE & Everything but the girl
There’s a certain expression – “digital nomad” – that is meant to describe the lifestyle and vibe of people like Pavel Yanonis.
Presenting a blend of Lithuanian, Polish and Russian blood, he has recently settled in London where he works in an international fintech company, however, his true life project is music.
Pavel soon sets up a humble studio in his rented apartment in Shoreditch to create an inward-looking electronics under the nickname of PAULIQ. His music embraces multiple personal travel experiences across continents – from Africa to South-East Asia.

Light melodies, yet profound groove and eclectic palette of instruments together with the cosmopolitan essence of PAULIQ’s tracks are imagining him as a producer that’s dreaming about a world with no borders, welcoming diversity of peoples and striving to unite them in his work. Relocation and re-establishment in a new environment have reasonably become the keynote of his latest releases.
