Reward by Rupe Shearns
Oh did the sea burst in a mighty swell
So did our captain come to in spite of himself
Half of our forty were at odds with him still
Half were for lovely virgin gold, Reward

Fast though our course began wonder soon waned
Passions performed so too did soon turn plain
Slow by our count to possess or prove to compare
Slow were the fountains to bestow Reward

I fought a fever fought to keep what I captured
Struggle I believed promised feast to me fastest
Long lived the resistance our labor alone
Long was our bliss when we let go, Reward

Loopcloud Music App from

Out of the fire and into the firelight we rise
Out of the fire grows a rose
Inseparable fear and hope
It’s for patience I fought

from To A Deer Outside Ithaca
Matt Whyte: vocals, piano, bass, guitar
Noah Murphy: vocals, programming, synth,
Christopher Bear: drums

Unison MIDI Chord Pack