Want U Back by Sorrow
I’m pleased to present my latest EP, The Twelve, is available now.
Digital ➞ insp.ec/TheTwelveEP
Vinyl ➞ insp.ec/TheTwelveVinyl

Twelve: A number that conjures myriad connotations. For most of us it’s the essential measurement of black gold, the source of mystery that can only be extracted through a fine stylus. For others, it’s a way of measuring half days and dozens, zodiac signs or apostles. For Sorrow, it’s his latest EP.
Five stark, soul-arresting narratives deep, once again the Bristol beatsmith compounds his distinctive icy, introspective signature with rich detail, emotion and cavernous shadowy dynamics. His first full solo release of 2017, and his first EP on Inspected in over two years, ‘The Twelve’ follows a run of critical excursions, cameos and collaborations on the likes of Fent Plates and White Peach and continues to build on his unique status within the electronic game.
From the opening house subversions and foggy, mystical humanised textures of ‘Want U Back’ right through to the final smouldering beat abstractions and soft groans of the breath-taking title track finale, the entire EP is a trip into Sorrow’s innermost soul. In between we’re hit by the two-step trickery of ‘Reverie’, the heavy haze of ‘Frumoasa’ and the unabashed slo-mo gully of ‘Sheol’, each chapter telling its own Sorrowful tale, alluring you and spurring you to further corners of your thoughts… conjuring myriad connotations, like all good sources of mystery should.