Psychedelic pitched vocals and dense, reverb-slathered guitar
In the midst of the world’s post-COVID recovery haze, our latest single Caillou’s Hairline rears its head.
The stressful monotony of the past two years has undoubtedly resulted in a surplus of receding hairlines, and this single invokes the iconic hairless dome of Canada’s most divisive cartoon character to inject some levity into these strange times.

The vague borders of blurred lockdown days are starting to reform. Caillou’s Hairline tackles this transition sonically with psychedelic pitched vocals and dense, reverb-slathered guitar passages. In this single, we fluctuate between moody electronic production, searing rap verses, and a soaring guitar solo, culminating with a thundering percussion-focused breakdown.
Play Caillou’s Hairline by Canadian Prog/Punk/Rap darlings Pearls & Bones on your favourite digital service.

With Caillou’s Hairline, we continue to refine the standalone sound forged with our recent album Cool Uncles. It is genre-bending gumbo only we could concoct.