Claudio is best known for her solo performances, surrounded by a sea of machines & vintage synths in old churches and other architectural vestiges.

The Australian producer, vocalist, synth player and composer behind the viral cover of ‘Hey Ya’, the equally internet-trembling original ‘If You Trip’ and TED-x Talk & performance ‘How to Translate the Feeling into Sound’ has been solidly and elegantly building her enigmatic reputation around the globe, especially in Europe, having lived in France for 11 years. Opening for The Roots, Mayer Hawthorne & Common in Paris; headlining Dior’s 70th anniversary at the National Gallery in Melbourne; playing for the founding family of Pakistan; touring Australia, Brazil, East Coast America & Latvia – Claudio is not one to sleep on.

Among its highlights is the track “Flowers,” music video –

Loopcloud Music App from

‘To Kill an Empath’ (EP) is written, performed & produced entirely by Claudio.


Unison MIDI Chord Pack

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