PEAC3FU1WARRIOR: Igniting Musical Frenzy with ‘EMBRACED LOVE (LIVE)'”
Ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for an electrifying musical journey as we welcome the sensational PEAC3F1WARRIOR, a true maverick in the world of independent music production. With a mission to produce live-in-the-moment MIDI PAD tracks, this dynamic artist is about to set the Music Industry ablaze with their latest creation, “EMBRACED LOVE (LIVE),” featured on the much-awaited album “PEACE AND LOVE THROUGH SOUND.”
Hailing from the vibrant city of Milwaukee, PEAC3FU1WARRIOR is an emerging powerhouse in the electronic music scene. Their compositions are nothing short of evocative masterpieces, pulsating with mesmerizing energy that is bound to transcend the boundaries of conventional music. Get ready to be swept away on a euphoric rollercoaster of pure bliss!

“EMBRACED LOVE” is a manifestation of PEAC3FU1WARRIOR’s visionary approach to music-making. This track is a thrilling fusion of gripping melodies, pulsating beats, and ethereal soundscapes that will transport you to a realm where goosebumps are a norm and musical limits are nonexistent. With elements borrowed from EDM, trance, and instrumentals, PEAC3FU1WARRIOR has crafted a sound that is uniquely their own.
“PEACE AND LOVE THROUGH SOUND” is an album that delivers a stunning performance from start to finish. Each beat reflects the heart and soul that PEAC3F1WARRIOR pours into their craft. As the mastermind behind the production, this artist showcases an unparalleled talent for crafting sonic landscapes that stretch the boundaries of imagination and redefine what’s possible in music.

“EMBRACED LOVE” exemplifies the infinite potential of music. Its infectious beats and hypnotizing sounds will undoubtedly leave you craving for more. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of electronic music or simply seeking a thrilling sonic adventure, this release will capture your heart and never let go.
PEAC3FU1WARRIOR’s rise in the industry has been nothing short of phenomenal, with a dedicated following growing rapidly thanks to their electrifying music releases and captivating social media presence. Their unique sound has sparked a transformation in the music industry, and it’s clear that PEAC3F1WARRIOR is on a path to winning the hearts of listeners all across the globe.
Prepare yourselves to be enchanted by the spellbinding tunes of PEAC3F1WARRIOR as they usher us into a new era of sonic exploration. “EMBRACED LOVE” is just the beginning of an epic musical odyssey, and we can’t wait to see what this trailblazing artist has in store for us next!

2 years agoI Love You All and I thank YOU, for giving me an opportunity to change you perspective of what sound and music is truly capable of with the right ingredients. Everything described above is definitely as spot on as it gets. Reading it for myself from anothers POV has made me realized this mission I set out to accomplish last month is truly worth everything I’ve put in. These songs were very emotional for me, I didn’t know if they’d reach the person I produced them for let alone others, But today I know they have and I’m extremely grateful they have touched souls as they did for me in the moment of producing them live. In those moments I felt love that I had never felt for someone ever in my 28 years of living. It started off as just a crush and transformed into so much more. This entire album is my Declaration of Love and Peace that comes from this Love! If you find yourself sitting next to someone you love play this album with them and Embrace that love! If you’re afraid to love, play this album and push those fears aside amd chase after you love no matter how scared it is. You will never know until you try. If it doesn’t workout it’s not the end of the world, Just either stay true or find love elsewhere or in something you love to do… But never give up on Love and your overall Peace of mind. Life is worth everything and you deserve Peace and Love in your Lifetime!
With that said whoever reads this…
I Love You for who you are and just know others out here do as well! So keep pushing and be true to your feelings no matter how hard it may be!